30.5 F
Friday, February 21, 2025


Submit News

The deadline for Obituaries is 12:00 noon on Tuesday.

Please read our Obituary Guidelines.

Here are the rules for letters to the editor…

  1. The correct name, place of residence, and phone number (not for publication) of letter writers must accompany all letters.
  2. Letters cannot exceed 400 words.
  3. Only two non-consecutive letters per person per month.
  4. All letters are subject to editing for space and clarity, but not for meaning.

You can submit any news here.

Submit News/Letter to the Editor

Submit your news here. We'll contact you before Tuesday at noon. If you don't hear back by then, give us a call. 804-758-2328.

Just a town is fine.
May we have permission to use your photo in our online and print materials?
Print and online materials include Southside Sentinel, Rappahannock Record, The Rivah Visitor's Guide, SSentinel.com, RRecord.com & RivahGuide.com.

Maximum file size: 10MB

You can upload up to 2 files. .jpg, .jpeg, ,png or .pdf only