An unusual aircraft floated around at the 28th annual Wings, Wheels and Keels on Sept. 28. “Paramotors,” the short name for “powered paragliders,” resemble...
The Middlesex High School varsity Lady Charger volleyball team is 16-2 after defeating Rappahannock of Warsaw and Northumberland; and losing to King William last...
Town is considering ‘aggressive collection’ for slow bill payers
The Urbanna Town Council is considering ways to collect delinquent water-sewer bills.
The town has more than...
The annual Middlesex High School Homecoming Parade is set for 5:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 11.
The parade will start at the Middlesex County Historic Courthouse...
The Middlesex High School varsity Lady Charger volleyball team improved to 15-1 with three wins recently.
On Sept. 24, the Lady Chargers won at Charles...
Middlesex High School’s golf team hosted a tri-match last week, defeating King William 175-192, but losing to Northumberland 175-173 in the regular season finale...
Dominion Energy is planning to build an electricity storage facility at the intersection of Grey’s Point Road (Route 3) and General Puller Highway (Route...
Early voting begins Friday, Sept 20, for the General and Special Elections set for Nov. 5, reported Melissa D. Welch, Middlesex County’s director of...
A head-on crash in Saluda claimed the lives of two Topping residents this week, reported Sgt. Michelle Anaya, Virginia State Police’s public information officer...