by Larry Chowning -
Middlesex County school superintendent Dr. Tracy Seitz explained in a Jan. 22 letter to parents the Middlesex County School Board’s...
Meeting set on masking mandate after Youngkin nixes requirement
by Larry Chowning -
COVID-19 has roared back into the Middlesex County Public Schools system as...
by Larry Chowning -
Former Saluda District supervisor Pete Mansfield will be remembered for his environmental efforts to save Urbanna Creek, his vigilance in...
Chargers ignite fourth quarter afterburners to blast way past Pointers to 48-44 victory
by Larry Chowning -
The Middlesex High School (MHS) varsity boys basketball...
Wilson, Tolomeo, Campbell, Anderson, Austin, Byers win all matches; Middlesex to face arch-rival Mathews on Jan. 26
by Larry Chowning -
The Middlesex High School...
by Larry Chowning -
The Middlesex High School (MHS) junior varsity basketball team defeated the West Point Pointers, Tuesday, Jan. 11, 41-25, in the...
Middlesex Supervisor John Koontz, and citizen speaking at meeting, want it moved, despite referendum vote
by Larry Chowning -
The Middlesex County electorate made it...
The 241 League baseball tournament will start Tuesday, Sept. 7, at Deltaville Ballpark at 7 p.m. The double elimination tournament will include all the teams in the league.