55.1 F
Tuesday, March 25, 2025



You can always just call us... 804-758-2328

Display Advertising

We can create your ad or use your camera ready ad. There is no charge for ad creation if you advertise in our publication. Our staff is trained to design ads from the bottom up. However, if you would like to send in a camera ready ad, it should be in PDF format (Steps to Eliminate PDF Gremlins and How to Create a PDF file).

Our open rate is $10 per column inch. There are a number of monthly discounts based on the amount of space purchased. We have a discounted joint rate of $8.75 per column inch for running the same ad the same week in our sister publication, the Rappahannock Record in Lancaster County. The charity rate of $8.75 per column inch is for organizations consisting of volunteers. We also offer specialty advertising such as sticky notes and inserts. Prices for these are based on printing costs as well as insertion fees, so contact your ad rep for individual pricing.

See Media Kit for more details.

Display advertising deadline is 5 p.m. Monday for inclusion in the Thursday paper.

Classified Advertising

25 Words or Less: $8.00 first week, $7.00 each additional week

Classified advertising deadline is 12 p.m. Tuesday for inclusion in the Thursday paper.

Web Advertising

Leaderboard: $300 per month

Medium Rectangle (standard): $100 per month

Pop-up ad (Homepage): $75.00 per week

Web advertising deadline is 5 p.m. the day before publication.

Contact your Advertising Representative!

If you can’t connect to the proper extension, try calling us from your cell phone instead of a landline.
Gloria gloria@ssentinel.com ext 103

Christchurch School names art contest winners

Christchurch School (CCS) Art Teacher and Visual and Performing Arts Department Chairman Sarah McCormick announced recently that several CCS students were selected as winners in...