42 F
Monday, March 3, 2025


Residential Rentals

3BR/1.5BA RANCH, Hartfield. Views of the Rappahannock River. $1,600/month, Security deposit $1,600. Pets on case by case basis. For application, call 804-435-8710; email jennifer@chesapeakepm.com Chesapeake Property Management, equal housing.(2-27-4t)RR

APARTMENT IN SALUDA: Quiet neighborhood, 2 bedrooms, no smoking, no pets. $725 month. Call 804-690-6568.(2-27-tf)

DELTAVILLE: Jackson Creek, waterfront, secluded, 1BR furnished house. No pets. 804-824-4304 or 757-619-3513.(1-30-tf)

New and Luxurious CROSSROADS VILLAS: 2/3 bedroom townhomes, 5 minutes to YMCA/Indoor pool, COMPASS, New School, and more. www.crossroadsatthechesapeake.com, 804-529-9505.(12-12-13t)RR

TOWN CENTRE SUITES: Walk to the library, concerts, farmers markets. Apply online at: www.leeselfproperties.com or call 804-529-9505. Restrictions, local management, equal housing. Lee Self Properties.(12-31-13t)RR

TRI-LEVEL 4-BEDROOM, 4-bath home. Water view. 2-car garage on Broad Creek in Deltaville. Optional covered boat slip. Central heat & air. Fully furnished. Deposit & 1st month rent upfront. $1,800/month. Available now. Call 804-399-8563.(2-27-4t)RR