The Virginia General Assembly has approved a change to the Town of Urbanna Charter “clarifying that the mayor shall be a member of town council and shall be included in the determination of a quorum.” House Bill HB2332 was introduced by Virginia Del. Keith Hodges, R-Urbanna, and signed by Gov. Youngkin on March 18.
The charter change apparently puts to rest an issue that began more than four years ago. The change takes effect on July 1 and gives the mayor voting power.
Bury explained that the question of the mayor voting came to light in with an applicant who planned to rebuild a marina on Urbanna Creek. In speaking with attorney Nancyellen Keane, he learned of the restriction that prohibits a mayor from voting on town council matters.
Tied vote
Urbanna has six voting council members, so there could be tied votes. One memorable tied vote came in 2006 on a permit application to build condominiums at an Urbanna marina near the Urbanna Bridge. This tie was broken by the mayor who voted in favor of the permit. There was a backlash by citizens. The matter ended up in a lawsuit filed by developers that was eventually dismissed after protracted and costly litigation.
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