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Thursday, February 20, 2025


Church Briefs: January 16, 2025

Brother Shelton Scott will deliver The Spoken Word during the 11 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 19, service at Immanuel Baptist Church in Saluda.

There will also be music under the direction of Brother Leon Harris. It will include a special selection by Brother William Taylor.

All are welcome.

The Rev. Dr. John C. Wright Jr. is Immanuel’s pastor.

Info: Lscott1948@verizon.net.

Congregants at Lower United Methodist Church (LUMC), 120 Lower Church Road, Hartfield, invite everyone to join them Sunday at 9:15 a.m. for coffee fellowship, at 9:30 a.m. for adult Sunday school and at 10:30 a.m. for worship.

The community is invited to stop by LUMC Fellowship Hall every Wednesday between 7:30-9 a.m. for free, delicious, hand-crafted coffee or hot chocolate from God’s Aroma coffee ministry.

All are welcome to join them for a time of group prayer, every Wednesday at 4 p.m.

Info: lowerumc.org.

Angel Visit Baptist Church of Dunnsville, where the Rev. Dr. Carla E. Lightfoot serves as pastor, invites Middlesex County residents to attend the 36th annual Essex County Community Celebration of the Life and Work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The service is planned for 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 20.

The Rev. Dr. James E. Coleman Jr., president of the Baptist General Convention of Virginia and Dean of the School of Religion at Virginia University of Lynchburg, will be the preacher for this worship service. The Southside Rappahannock Baptist Association Choir under the direction of Marcellus Dungee will provide the music.

Presented on the Martin Luther King holiday, this annual event celebrates the birth, the life, and the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It is a time for all to remember the struggles of Dr. King and thousands of other Americans in the fight for freedom, equality, and dignity for all races and peoples. The celebration provides a forum to reflect upon the past while seeking hope, determination, and an opportunity to act upon the promise of the future.

The public is cordially invited to share in this period of remembrance and commemoration of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. One may join the celebration in person, by video conference, or by telephone dial-in. Email AngelVisit

Info: BaptistChurch@gmail.com or call 804-443-5977

American Legion Post 75 in Gloucester will conduct its annual celebration of the Four Chaplains Service on Saturday, Feb. 1, at 10 a.m. at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 6470 Main St., Gloucester Courthouse.

The post will be assisted by the General Anthony Wayne of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 58, the Francis J. Millar Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8252 Gloucester G, The Marine Corps League, Middle Peninsula Detachment 1317 Gloucester, and American Legion Post 83 Mathews.

The Four Chaplains Service is a dedication ceremony to the four chaplains, a Methodist minister, the Rev. George L. Fox; Reform Rabbi Alexander D. Goode; Catholic priest Father John P. Washington; and Reformed Church in America, the Rev. Clark V. Poling, who, on Feb. 3, 1943, gave not only of their material possessions, but also of their lives, during the sinking of the United States Army Transport Ship Dorchester by enemy submarine torpedoes during World War II.

The speaker will be the pastor of Grace Covenant Church, Jesse Hill, M.Ed, MA Theology. The ceremony will also feature the Naval Junior ROTC Cadet Color Guard from Gloucester High School. Special music will be provided by the Grace Covenant Choir.

There will be a luncheon provided by the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 75 Gloucester at the end of the service. There will also be donations taken during the service to provide funds for the Four Chaplains Chapel in Philadelphia, Pa.

Any, and all are welcome to attend.

Info: joeadair0654@yahoo.com

Christ Church Parish (Episcopal) offers two services every Sunday — at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Its congregants welcome everyone to attend and find out more about this vibrant community of worshipers.

Visit its website at christchurchmiddlesex.com or watch the Sunday service online on Facebook.

Christ Church Parish (Episcopal) is at 56 Christchurch Lane in the Christchurch community.

Info: 804-758-2006

“Seasons of Tapestry” is a weekly women’s prayer seminar taught by Bonnie Shannonhouse open to Christian women of all denominations. It meets at noon every Thursday via Zoom. To sign-up or get the Zoom link, go to the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic States website at https://dmas-acc.org/. The sessions will also be recorded and available on the website for viewing at your convenience.

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89437366421?pwd=VwAFaxhvE8a8SILWKyT18IPlSUb21U.1

(The deadline for submitting church brief items is 11 a.m. Tuesday for that week’s paper. Items are subject to editing and may be emailed to Editor@SSentinel.com. Include a contact person’s