37 F
Friday, February 21, 2025


Deltaville Community Assn. cookie contest slated for Dec. 13

On Friday, Dec. 13, there will be a cookie contest at the Deltaville Community Association (DCA) building, 17147 General Puller Highway, in conjunction with Deltaville’s Christmas party and the Jackson Creek Christmas Cruise. Entries for the contest must be delivered before 4 p.m. on Dec. 13.

Cookies or any type of confection are permitted, but they must be homemade by the entrant to compete for the cash prizes. Each entry will be assigned a number and a descriptive title.

This will be a people’s choice contest with four prizes: $100 for first, $50 for second, $30 for third, and $20 for fourth place.

“We welcome all bakers whether they want to compete or not. We need many cookies this year as all leftovers will be used the next evening at the Christmas Lights celebration put on by Stephen and Randy Blue.”

For information about the contest, call Raynell Smith 804-815-3102.

All are invited for the Christmas party free of charge. Tickets for the cruise are on sale at Hurd’s True Value Hardware store for $10 each until they are sold out.