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Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Church Briefs: June 20, 2024

Immanuel Baptist Church, Saluda, will celebrate its 109th church anniversary on Sunday, June 23. The service will start at 10 a.m. with the Rev. K. LaMar Gresham, pastor of First Antioch Baptist Church, Powhatan, delivering The Spoken Word.

Music is under the direction of Leon Harris.

The Rev. Dr. John C. Wright Jr. is Immanuel’s pastor.

Men’s non-denominational Christian fellowship, prayer, and Bible Study is offered at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays at Where the Sidewalk Ends restaurant in Urbanna.

For information, call Terry Kenreigh at 757-879-4847.

Men’s “Urbanna Second Half” Bible and book study, prayer and fellowship is offered 8-9:45 a.m. on Mondays at the Urbanna Harbour clubhouse.

For information call Bob Fitch at 804-291-6434.

Harmony Grove Baptist Church (HGBC) will host its annual Summer Adventure III event 5:30-8 p.m. June 24-27.

There will be a light dinner nightly, games, crafts and music for children ages 3-12.

The theme this year will be “SCUBA: Diving into Friendship with God” and the location is at HGBC, which is located at the intersection of Routes 3 and 33 in Harmony Village, near Topping. The physical address is 7722 General Puller Highway.

You can register online at vbspro.events/p/fa3724 or in person by attending the free Community Block Party at HGBC set for 4-6 p.m. June 22.

The block party will feature DJ Beaz and his “Turn Up Da Music” program, plus food, games, prizes, “sno cones,” face painting and photo opportunities. More importantly, this event will feature community fellowship and an easy way to register your child for Summer Adventure.

All Middlesex County children ages 3-12 are welcome.

For information, call 804-758-5154.

The Women of Calvary Baptist Church in Saluda thanked everyone who came out to celebrate Women’s Day with them. “Thank you for your love and support,” a group rep said.

Urbanna Baptist Church invites all campers as well as community members and visitors to this Sunday’s worship service at Bethpage Camp-Resort. Come join together for fellowship, worship and music at Bethpage’s amphitheater at 9 a.m. Dress is casual. If there is bad weather, the service will move to Bethpage’s rally center.

For information, call Bob Fitch, 804-291-6434 or John Smith, 804-832-7561.

Bethpage is at 4685 Old Virginia St. near Urbanna.

Lower United Methodist Church (LUMC) at 120 Lower Church Road, Hartfield, invites everyone to join them each Wednesday for a time of group prayer beginning at 5 p.m.

For information, visit lowerumc.org.

Zoar Baptist Church has begun its summer schedule. Join them for “beach worship” at 8:30 a.m. near Stingray Point each Sunday through Labor Day (weather permitting). A morning worship service in the church sanctuary is also offered at 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church meets in the pavilion at the beach property at 8:30 a.m. throughout the summer. Children’s activities during the 10:30 a.m. worship service will resume in September.

Adult Sunday school classes will begin a study of the book of Acts on June 2. Several classes will remain near Stingray Point after beach worship for Sunday school, and others will meet at the church at 9:30 a.m.

For information, call 804-776-9502.

Urbanna Baptist Church is sponsoring a “Grieving for the loss of a Spouse” outreach program starting this month.

There is a $7 fee for registration which includes a participant’s book. There are scholarships available for registration fees.

Also, the church is sponsoring a grief support program, which is being offered in the fellowship hall of Urbanna Baptist Church 6:30-8 p.m. on Tuesdays through July 9.

There is a $20 registration fee. There are scholarships available for registration fees as well. The program runs 13 weeks.

Those interested for either program can contact the church office at 804-758-2720 or nellubcsecretary22@gmail.com. Members of the church Grief Share Ministry Team include Nell Robinson, Diane Luttrell, Janet Kirby, Susan Fitch and Jane Folliard.

Catholic Church of the Visitation Knights of Columbus (KOC) is a not-for-profit organization whose principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Donations it receives support Gloucester, Mathews, Northern Neck and Middlesex free health clinics, Virginians with Intellectual Disabilities, Veterans Services Golf Tournament, Families in Need, Hands Across Middlesex and Mathews and the Father John Boddie Scholarship Fund.

Activities that provide funding include the Pancake Breakfast, Italian Feast, St. Pat’s Dinner, KOVAR Collection and Dave Marchant Golf Tournament.

Its members are active participants in many ministries, which include altar servers, choir members, collection counters, community leaders, eucharistic ministers, parish council members and ushers.

KOC meets at 5:15 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the Church of the Visitation at 8462 General Puller Highway (Route 33) in Topping. Each meeting starts with a rosary session. All are welcome!

For information, call KOC Grand Knight Al Langer at 804-815-1328.

No matter what the circumstances, grief is a painful, confusing process. A Grief Share group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. At this 13-week support group program, participants will discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, participants will learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability — and gain solid support each step of the way.

At each weekly meeting, the group will view a video featuring respected counselors, pastors, and healthcare professionals on grief-related topics, and hear relatable personal stories of grief. After that is a small-group discussion to allow people time to talk, share support, and personally apply what they learned on the video. Everyone will receive a book to take home filled with valuable exercises for navigating their personal grieving process.
Philippi Christian Church in Deltaville will offer the Grief Share program every Saturday at 10 a.m. It is led by the Rev. Nell Bagby-Robinson, with assistance from trained lay leaders, all of whom have experienced grief in their own lives, and found their way to joy through faith. Call 804-776-6230 for information, and check out griefshare.org.

Every Wednesday night the Community Youth Group meets in the fellowship hall of Zoar Baptist Church in Deltaville from 6-8 p.m. Group members are served dinner, have game time and study verses in the Bible after watching a video. All sixth through 12th grade students are welcome to join the group. They currently have 20 to 30 teens participating. If you and your teen are interested, call Cindi Adkins at 804-339-7274 for information.

(The deadline for submitting church brief items is 11 a.m. Tuesday for that week’s paper. Items are subject to editing and may be emailed to Editor@SSentinel.com. Please include a contact person’s name and phone number. Due to the volume of items received, the Sentinel cannot always run announcements from out-of-county churches.)