The Christchurch School (CCS) sailing team qualified to sail in the ISSA National Fleet Racing Championship when they won the Mid-Atlantic Championship in Toms River, N.J., earlier in the spring.
The national regatta was hosted by the College of Charleston at the Walker Sailing Center in Charleston, S.C.
The team’s B Fleet placed fourth and the Seahorses sailing team placed 11th overall, reported CCS Communications Assistant Jennifer Homer.
Several Christchurch School sailors were recognized by the Virginia Interscholastic Sailing Association (VISA) for their achievements and their adherence to the Corinthian code of sailing — to treat all team members, coaches, competitors, regatta officials, parents and all others with respect. VISA is the Southern district of the Mid-Atlantic Scholastic Sailing Association (MASSA).
Rob Deane serves as senior head sailing coach and director of waterfront and sailing programs. To discuss the Christchurch School sailing program or the school’s Top Gun Sailing Camp in August, email Deane at rdeane@christchurchschool.org.
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