In 2009 and 2011, the Virginia General Assembly resolved that Virginia pursue No Discharge Zone (NDZ) designation for impaired tidal creeks. Broad Creek, Jackson Creek and Fishing Bay in Middlesex County were designated NDZ after public hearings and lengthy assessment. NDZ designation prohibits discharge of treated or untreated waste from any vessel, therefore requiring pump out of sewage in these areas. Most marina operators provide free or low cost disposal of boat waste.
A map of local marinas with pump-out facilities
Some navigation maps show the NDZ designated areas, but signs can be posted to help bring awareness that the discharge of treated or non-treated sewage is prohibited.
Businesses and waterfront homeowners can get brochures to hand out and signs they can post to help publicize these requirements for the navigable waters of Broad Creek, Jackson Creek and Fishing Bay. To receive free signs and information, contact Carl Zulick at carlz@togaboard.org.
It is requested that marinas post the signs near fueling stations, pump-out stations, at entries to channels, or other visible locations. It is recommended that marinas include no discharge zone information in the slip rental contract indicating the area is a designated no discharge zone.
Deltaville is home to one of only four NDZ designated areas in the state. Deltaville sees long-term mooring of inhabited boats from around the world and has countless vessels berthed in marinas. If an inhabited boat is moored for several weeks without moving, it may not be aware discharge is prohibited. Violations, upon conviction, are considered a class 1 misdemeanor enforceable by any law enforcement officer in the commonwealth.