The CCS show’s cast, crew and directors include, front row, from left, Lilly Ha, Reese Miller, Adrian Courchinoux Aranda, Valerie Edmonds, Davis Miller, Ampomah Kufuor, Ozzy Brown, Suzie Nguyen; second row, same order, Accompanist/Musical Coordinator Libby Boyer, Milly Branflick, Emma Ho, Maggie Lancaster, Kate Jonson, Joseph Usueyibo-Solomon, Jennianne Stitt, LeighAnn Matthews, Cherry Phan; third row, same order, Tori Hollingsworth, William Power, Addie Kosek, Stephanie Bowhey, Emily Stanaway, Sage Tietjen-Forsythe, Jacob Carey; and back row, same order, Jesse Dethero, Technical Director Jim Robb, Christopher Rhoads, Lillian Williams, Odein Georgewill, Owen Grainger, Creative Director Kerry O’Grady and Artistic Director Mark Parsons. Trevor Haynie and Wynne Smith were unavailable for the photo. (Contributed)
Tickets are still available for this weekend’s original production of “Rappahannock Rendezvous.” The production will be presented 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 16 and 17, in the David and Wendy Charlton Fine and Performing Arts Center at Marston Hall on Christchurch School’s (CCS) campus. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students aged 8-18. Seating is available at both tables and in rows. Full tables may be reserved. Reserve your seats at