Dr. Youssef Chouhoud’s presentation, “Mideast Realignment and Israel-Hamas,” is set for 10 a.m.-noon Friday, Feb. 16 at the Deltaville Community Association (DCA) building as part of the free Deltaville Great Decisions lecture series. The DCA building is at 17147 General Puller Highway (Route 33) in Deltaville.
Three successive American presidents have made it clear in the aftermath of the disastrous occupation of Iraq, their preference to reduce military commitments in the Middle East to focus on competition with China. But extracting the U.S. from the Middle East has proven difficult. The United States still has major interests in the region, including oil, Israel and the challenges posed by Iran. The current war between Israel and Hamas and other Iran-backed proxies drags the U.S. back to active conflict mediation regardless of its preferences.
Session format: 40–50-minute presentation, coffee/cookie break, followed by question-and-answer period.
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