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Church Briefs: December 14, 2023

Christchurch School (CCS) will present its 43rd annual Festival of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, Dec. 17, in St. Peter’s Chapel on the school’s campus. The service will include performances by Cantorion, student and faculty soloists, and special guest performer, Erik Demario, a 2018 CCS graduate.

There will be two seatings – one at 4 p.m. and one at 6:15 p.m.

Info: jtietjen@christchurchschool.org.

The Chancel Choir of Clarksbury Church (formerly called Clarksbury United Methodist Church) at 15924 General Puller Highway (Route 33) in Hardyville will present a Christmas musical by Lloyd Larson called, “Were You There on That Christmas Night?” The event is set for 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, during the morning worship service.

All are invited to join them as they celebrate the joy of the season with music. The annual covered dish Christmas dinner will follow the church service.

Info: 804-776-6060.

Harmony Grove Baptist Church (HGBC) Choir will perform a Christmas Cantata at 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, during the church service.

The church is located at 7722 General Puller Highway (Route 33) at Grey’s Point Road (Route 3) in Harmony Village.

Info: 804-758-5154, Tuesday-Thursday.

Make-A-Way and Deliverance Full Gospel Baptist Church at 100 Flats Road in Urbanna will host its annual Christmas sing-along program on Sunday, Dec. 17, at 2 p.m. The program will feature the Make-A-Way Voices of Worship praise team, Robert Brown, Zion Branch Baptist Church Choir, Men of Faith and Zion Popular Church Praise Dancers.

Make-A-Way and Deliverance Full Gospel Baptist Church located at 100 Flats Road in Urbanna will have services on Christmas Eve, which is Sunday, Dec. 24. Their morning  service will start earlier than usual and will be at 10 a.m.

Info: truestar89@earthlink.net.

Zion Hill Baptist Church, 10256 Indian Road, Gloucester, will have in-person worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 17. Pastor Eugene Comithier II will preach and the Inspirational Voices will sing.

In-person Sunday school will be offered at 9:45 a.m. and the annual Christmas program will be presented at 3 p.m. The original play, “A Priceless Gift,” written by Jessica Minor, will be performed. Dinner will be served after the morning service until 2:30 p.m.

Info: mrt8wa@aol.com.

Center Cross Church of God (CCCOG) extends an open  invitation to the community to join them this Sunday, Dec. 17, at 11 a.m. as they present “Just a Little Christmas,” a Christmas play.

CCCOG is also inviting the community to join them for a candlelight service on Wednesday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m. The church is located at 141 Byrds Bridge Road, Center Cross.

Info: centercrossEVENTS@gmail.com.

Hermitage Baptist Church, 94 Wares Bridge Road, Church View, recently announced some of its upcoming Christmas-themed events. These include an 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 17 children’s pageant and 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 24 candlelight service.

Info: Kristal.cvss@verizon.net.

Every Wednesday night the Community Youth Group meets in the fellowship hall of Zoar Baptist Church in Deltaville from 6-8 p.m.  Group members are served dinner, have game time and study verses in the Bible after watching a video.  All sixth through 12th grade students are welcome to join the group.  They currently have 20 to 30 teens participating.   If you and your teen are interested, call Cindi Adkins at 804-339-7274 for information.

Join an adult Bible study class at Zoar Baptist Church in Deltaville as it starts from the beginning!

The focus of study this winter will be the Book of Genesis. There are four classes that meet each Sunday morning: two start at 9 a.m. and two start at 9:30 a.m. Call the church office for information about Zoar’s Sunday school Bible classes.

Info: 804-776-9502.

Harmony Grove Baptist Church (HGBC) is serving as a collection point for the Middlesex County Toys For Tots drive, so if possible, please donate new, unwrapped toys only. The collection box is located in HGBC’s fellowship hall. All toys are then sent to the Middlesex Social Services for distribution locally. The collection deadline is Dec. 16. Toys For Tots will take place of the Angel Tree, since both are handled by the county social services office.

HGBC will also take up a monetary collection for the teens of Middlesex County. So often, teens are overlooked during this season of giving or it’s difficult to provide what teens like so monetary gifts are needed. Write your check to Harmony Grove Baptist Church and mark your contribution with “Teens Only.”

Info: brnapp3853@gmail.com or reedefisherc@yahoo.com.

The Foundry is a new youth center for middle school and high school students, located at 7962 General Puller Highway, Unit 603, in Topping.

Info: Pastor Aaron Wells at 804-925-9196 or aaron.purelifechurch@gmail.com.

(The deadline for submitting church brief items is 11 a.m. Tuesday for that week’s paper. Items are subject to editing and may be emailed to Editor@SSentinel.com. Please include a contact person’s name and phone number.)