expected to name Dec. 5
The Middlesex County Board of Supervisors (MCBS) conducted a closed work session on Friday, Nov. 17, to consider candidates for the vacant Hartfield District supervisor seat.
“The board is planning on making an appointment at the regular supervisors monthly meeting on Dec. 5,” said Middlesex County Administrator Matt Walker. “Several people have shown an interest in the position and the board is making every effort to select the right person for the job.”
Hartfield representative John B. Koontz Jr. recently resigned from the board because he moved his residency from the Hartfield District to the Town of Urbanna. When he resigned, there were two years and three months left on his current term. Koontz’s term expires Dec. 31, 2025.
Supervisors will appoint a replacement for Koontz until a special election can be conducted in November 2024 to elect someone to finish off his term. The appointed board member will serve from December 2023 until the outcome of the special election.
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