30.1 F
Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Memories of Past Presidents: Part 6

Mary Wakefield Buxton

Part 1Part 2Part 3 Part 4Part 5

I  have often thought the presidents we end up electing is a direct result of our reaction from the policies of the last one. Thus, we got the honest Carter who promised he would never lie to us after Nixon and the moral Bush after the escapades of Clinton.

Obama’s big win was getting “Obamacare” passed, which opened up medical coverage to many Americans that previously did not have coverage.

My one criticism with Obama was his policy of cozying up to Iran and cooling down our traditional relationship with Israel. Regardless, after eight years of Obama’s policies, enough Americans were unhappy enough to vote for a change. Trump’s election was a gut reaction to Obama’s plan to fundamentally change America.

Donald Trump, however, was the most obnoxious of all the presidents elected in my lifetime. The man couldn’t get through a day without levying insults on someone, usually someone who questioned his ideas. He went through staff like a hungry hen empties a seed bucket.

But let’s give the man some credit. Most of the media were against everything he did and said and did not appreciate what he did for the country. After two years with President Biden, we have seen changes and we might wish for some of Trump policies to return.

For example, our southern border was much more secure then with Trump’s “wait in Mexico” policy so entering immigrants could be vetted and cleared before crossing into our country. We have lost control of those coming into America and this has created a dangerous situation.

Then the state of the world has worsened since Trump left office. Under Biden, Russia felt empowered to invade Ukraine and Hamas attacked Israel, triggering more outbreak of war in the Middle East. Worse, China now threatens to invade Taiwan.

Even more startling is the upsurge of inflation that has caused increases in prices for everything, including groceries, utilities and gasoline. Even Halloween candy this year was noticeably pricier.

And the government keeps spending money with no concern over the rising national debt, which now nears $33 trillion. Both parties are guilty of this trend but it is no wonder inflation is high.

Under Trump we were energy independent and did not have to use our oil reserves meant for national emergencies as we do now or bargain with hostile nations to get the oil we need. The price of gasoline with Trump was moderate.

If anyone wants to buy a house today or get a loan, prepare for a sharp increase in interest rates. And the stock market has dropped abysmally since Biden took over the presidency hurting retirement investments.

COVID-19 came during the last few years of Trump’s term in office as the public tired of his bombastic need to insult or fire anyone who didn’t agree with him. Moderate Republicans didn’t like his personality, most Democrats despised him, especially those who worked in government, because Trump made it no secret he intended to cut back bureaucracy.

But hard working, middle class and rural Americans, blue collar troops, the military and many conservatives adored him because they felt at last there was someone in the White House who cared about them.

After a raucous election in 2020, President Biden was elected president. Those who voted for him were convinced he would bring a new era of good feeling and an improved society.

But I no longer feel safe in the world. I worry about another world war breaking out and nations letting loose nuclear weapons. I worry about terrorist attacks at home. I am horrified by the new wave of antisemitism in the world, like a reoccurring nightmare from World War II.

I have lost 20 percent of retirement savings in a slumped stock market and my grocery, utility and gas bills have gone out of sight.

My daughter was caught with high interest rates when buying a house and my son struggles in his business with high taxes.

I am concerned about my granddaughter, who attends a college in New York, as crime, violence and protests have spiked in most major US cities. I am worried our nation will go bankrupt unless a change is coming in fiscal responsibility.

I am concerned about how America will support the millions of new refugees that could overwhelm schools, clinics, hospitals and social services. I wonder if native Americans will receive the attention they need or are they to be forgotten under new economic strains?

Our presidents affect the quality of our lives and the state of our nation. We need a great leader today to inspire the nation, bring our divided nation back together again and solve our worsening problems.

They say needy times produce great leaders… the George Washingtons, Thomas Jeffersons, Abraham Lincolns, Franklin D. Roosevelts, Ronald Reagans and Martin Luther Kings of this world.

The time of great need in America has once more arrived.

(This is the final column of a series on recent U.S. presidents.)

© 2023

Mary Wakefield Buxton
Mary Wakefield Buxtonhttps://www.ssentinel.com/news/one-womans-opinion-mary-buxton/
Welcome to “One Woman’s Opinion,” a long-term feature of the Southside Sentinel, written by Urbanna resident Mary Wakefield Buxton. Traditionally a humorist, Mary has written a column on all subjects and sometimes in very serious vein. Along with writing a column for the Sentinel since 1984, she is also author of 15 books about life and love in Tidewater, Virginia.