18.8 F
Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Christmas Friends begins 38th year

Christmas Friends Inc., the local charity that provides gifts for needy children and elderly or disabled adults in Middlesex County, launched its 38th season this week.

The Middlesex Department of Social Services has already been assisting clients in completing their “wish lists” and volunteer shoppers will begin hitting the stores next week to fulfill those wishes. Volunteer wrappers and delivery crews will be gathering next month to complete another year of Christmas Friends magic by December 16.

Monetary donations from community friends are now needed to assure that the work can continue. The program expects to serve 275-300 clients this year and the fundraising goal is $32,000. The program spent $31,640 for gifts last year.

Clients still working on wish lists are reminded to deliver them to Social Services as soon possible. A final count is needed soon to assure that funding and shoppers remain available.

Total volunteer effort

The organizers of Christmas Friends — the Southside Sentinel and the  Middlesex Department of Social Services — are grateful for all the donors and volunteers who join each year to make Christmas brighter for needy children and seniors in our county. Donors and volunteers make it possible for the program to operate with virtually no overhead, so all funds collected go directly to purchase gifts.

Supplies such as boxes, wrapping paper and delivery bags are all donated. Volunteers supply storage space, vans and fuel to assist with the big delivery job.

The only administrative expense is an annual fee to the State Corporation Commission to maintain the Christmas Friends nonprofit corporation status.

Want to help?

Shopping Director Bettie Lee Gaskins said 78 volunteer shoppers have already signed up. Last year almost 100 were needed so if you can volunteer, please call Sentinel Office Manager Geanie Longest at 804-758-2328, ext. 101, or email her at glongest@ssentinel.com.

Wrapping sessions will be scheduled on most weekdays at the Sentinel office in Urbanna. Adequate space is available for a maximum of five wrappers. Look for the link later this week on ChristmasFriends.org where you can sign up to wrap. Get your “fabulous five” together and plan on several morning or afternoon sessions of wrapping fun! There will be no wrapping on Wednesdays.

You can also contact Longest if you have a large van capable of holding approximately 25 “contractor” size bags of gifts and are willing to be its driver for one of 12 delivery routes on Saturday, Dec. 16.

The ideal van is a Chrysler or Dodge with stowaway rear seats, or similar size vans with seats that can be completely removed. “Full size” SUVs (such as a Chevy Suburban) have also been used successfully. Most regular size SUVs do not have enough space for all the bags.

Full size pick-up trucks with camper shells are also suitable.

How to donate

Contributors to this local charity will be recognized as Christmas Friends and their donations will be listed weekly in the Southside Sentinel. Contributors who wish to remain anonymous should request that their donations be listed as such. Memorial contributions also will be acknowledged.

Checks should be made payable to Christmas Friends Inc. and mailed to P.O. Box 549, Urbanna, VA 23175 or brought to the Sentinel office at 276 Virginia Street, Urbanna.

Donations received through Nov. 14 total $2,298.

Donations include:

  • Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation, $200
  • Urbanna Baptist Church, $500
  • Chuck and Barie Carmichael, $100
  • Joy Crowder, $100
  • Given in memory of Russell Sibley by Becky Sibley and family, $50
  • Barbara Fasig, $200
  • Carousel Physical Therapy Inc., $200
  • Dale B. Waldrop, $100
  • Ryman’s Air Conditioning and Heating Inc., $200
  • Middle Peninsula Regional Security Center, $648