The National Park Service (NPS) Chesapeake Bay and its principal partner, the Chesapeake Conservancy, have dispatched the “Roving Ranger” around the Chesapeake Bay. This is a mobile visitor center for the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail (Chesapeake Trail). NPS and Conservancy staff take the “Roving Ranger” to sites, such as the Deltaville Maritime Museum (DMM) and Holly Point Nature Park, that partner with the Chesapeake Trail. DMM’s Maritime Park is also an official “Chesapeake Bay Gateway Site.”
The Roving Ranger helps the NPS Chesapeake Bay to increase visitor contacts along the 3,000 mile trail route in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York and the District of Columbia. The “Ranger” provides many of the functions of a visitor center and is interesting and fun for everyone. Families will be able to collect a National Park passport stamp, pick up a trail brochure, participate in an interpretive ranger program, and learn about new experiences on the Chesapeake Trail.
The “Range Rover” will arrive Friday night, July 21, at DMM and be on display from at least 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, July 22, but may well stay for Groovin’ in the Park concert at 5 p.m. when Clayton Neal and Gary Archer open for the popular “Rip Tide.”
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