Friends of the Rappahannock donates
The Urbanna Town Marina is now the proud new home of an oyster shell recycling container provided and managed by Friends of the Rappahannock (FOR). This container was built and installed by the talented Northern Neck Technical Center carpentry students, led by carpentry teacher Mike Sisson. It serves as a community drop-off location for oyster shells only (no trash, other seafood scraps (etc., keep in mind that a bag carrying your shells counts as trash, just dump the shells directly into the bin).
All the oyster shells that you choose to recycle in this container will be used directly in FOR’s oyster restoration projects in Urbanna Creek.
If you have any questions about Friends of the Rappahannock, its oyster restoration work, or how to get involved, email Jen Sagan at jennifer.sagan@riverfriends.org.
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