30.3 F
Sunday, March 9, 2025



Public can sound off on proposed Saluda Family Dollar

The proposed site for a 10,500 square-foot Family Dollar store on the east side of Saluda is on the left in this view looking east towards Cooks Corner. (Photo by Tom Chillemi)

Family Dollar is seeking a special exception to build a 10,500 square-foot retail store on the east side of Saluda. The Tax Map Parcel is 26B-1-62.

A public hearing is set before the Middlesex Board of Supervisors for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 2, in the board room of the Middlesex County Historic Courthouse in Saluda.

On April 13, the Middlesex Planning Commission recommended approval of the special exception with conditions that include review, which tentatively is scheduled for May 11.

A special exception, which can only be granted by the Middlesex Board of Supervisors, is needed due to the size of the proposed store because. The 1.9-acre parcel is zoned Village Community.

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Tom Chillemi
Tom Chillemihttps://www.ssentinel.com
Tom Chillemi is a reporter for the Southside Sentinel.