URBANNA — An old Chinese expression known as the “Chinese Curse” is wishing another a seemingly innocent blessing: “May you live in interesting times.” The so-called “blessing” is really a curse as “interesting times” suggests a life of troubles and hardships as opposed to one of peace and happiness.
An Englishman, Sir Austen Chamberlain, introduced the expression to western usage when he used it in a letter to a friend in the 19th century. He wrote “we are living in interesting times” to describe a difficult period in English history.
“Interesting times” certainly describes what Americans have been through these last few years with the COVID-19 pandemic. Exceedingly interesting times!
If it wasn’t bad enough to deal with a disease that spread across the globe like wildfire leaving death wherever it touched was that initially no one seemed to know what to do about it. Thus began what I now call the “Covid Wars,” a ferocious battle between those that believed what government told us and those that did not.
As panic spread, new vaccines, treatments and mandates dropped down on us like stone, closing businesses, schools and even churches, forcing wearing of masks, isolation, working from home and the end of group gatherings in a social venue. The new rules in some parts of the country were written in steel and woe to the individual that did not obey. Many felt a total loss of freedom.
Now we are hearing that some information we were told by government, public health, media and drug companies was false. Even worse was Elon Musk’s release of the Twitter files suggesting government and social media outlets were working hand in hand to suppress opposing views and information about the disease and how to best treat and contain it. That there was in America a suppression of information is a scary jibe for the ship that sails on the sea of freedom.
The division between the two groups… those that believed everything the government was saying about the disease and supported mandates and those who refuted government information and mandates, brought on much unpleasantness. Or, as the Chinese might have said: “interesting times.”
As people hunkered down, isolated themselves, desperately rushed to get the new vaccines and worked from home, resentment grew. Many could not work from home and they suddenly found themselves cut off from earning an income.
Talk about loss of freedom. A government mandate that prevents people working to earn money to feed themselves and their families is huge. Businesses folded, people lost jobs and life savings trying to get by. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam closed many businesses down for three months. Virginians were fortunate that he allowed businesses to reopen as other states ordered businesses closed for many more months.
Most public sector employees including politicians continued receiving paychecks even though offices and school classrooms had closed. This was good fortune for them but there was much suffering in the private sector when salaries stopped.
Soon the public was told what medicines were “approved” to use for treatment of COVID-19 while other medications were taboo. Some scientists and doctors spoke out questioning not only the origins of COVID-19, but how safe the new vaccines were, and whether the prescribed and approved medicines helped or actually hurt the ill. Before long the doubters were shut down, some lost their jobs and those that did not agree with accepted protocol were labeled “extremists” or spreaders of “disinformation” and were treated as outcasts, pariahs, excluded from social media and even fired from jobs.
It was a shame how quickly both sides polarized. Not only did each side discount the other side’s ideas but also questioned their sources of information. There was little exchange beyond you either agree with my side or you’re crazy.
On a personal note, my husband and I received the two shots and booster and then came down with COVID-19. I was told we had a lighter case because of the vaccines and that the later strain of COVID-19 was less fatal than the original strain. We felt fortunate.
As new evidence is coming forth, we learn that masks did not protect us and shutdowns caused much more economic, educational and emotional damage than originally had been thought. The FBI and Energy Department now believe that COVID-19 originated in a lab in Wuhan, an idea that had been strongly denounced by the Biden Administration. What stunning new information will come forth next is anyone’s guess.
What have we learned from the COVID-19 Wars? It is to doubt everything we hear. We should never again allow government or any other source of power, whether it be media, corporation, church, social media outlets, university or political party, to shut down open debate and discussion of issues.
Our “interesting times” were filled with heartbreak and tragedy but it also gave Americans a taste of suppression. I hope we never see it again.
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