40.9 F
Sunday, February 23, 2025


Church Briefs: November 3, 2022

Harmony Grove Baptist Church (HGBC) is having a dine-in/take-out chili dinner fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 12. The dinner is free with donations for the dinner to benefit the families of Zayden Williams, who is recovering from a serious illness.

The take-out dinner period starts at 4 through 4:45 p.m. with the dine-in dinner portion vscheduled for 5 to 6:30 p.m.

Info: HGBC Tuesdays, between 9-noon. 804-758-5154

Zion Hill Baptist Church, 10256 Indian Road, Gloucester, will have in-person worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 6. Pastor Eugene Comithier II will preach and the Senior Choir will sing. Contact tracing, temperature checks and face masks are required.

In-person Sunday school will be offered at 9:45 a.m. on Sundays.

Bible Study is set for 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays via conference call. The dial-in number is 978-990-5000 and the access code is 667896.

Info: mrt8wa@aol.com.

The David Esleck Trio will return to Urbanna on Sunday, Nov. 13, for a 5 p.m. performance at Urbanna Baptist Church. It is a free concert and all are invited to hear this outstanding jazz trio from Richmond.

Info: 804-347-6560.

Catholic Church of the Visitation in Topping released its Advent schedule this week.

Upcoming services include:

  • Nov. 24 — Thanksgiving, 9 a.m.
  • Nov. 27 — First Sunday in Advent, 9 a.m.
  • Dec. 4 — Second Sunday in Advent, 9 a.m.
  • Dec. 8 — Immaculate Conception, 9 a.m.
  • Dec. 11 — Third Sunday in Advent, 9 a.m.
  • Dec. 13 — Reconciliation, 7 p.m.
  • Dec. 18 — Fourth Sunday in Advent, 9 a.m.
  • Dec. 15 — Reconciliation, 7 p.m.
  • Dec. 24 — Christmas Eve, 6:30 p.m. (Sing-along, 7 p.m.).
  • Dec. 25 — Nativity of the Lord, 9 a.m.
  • Jan. 1, 2023 — The Holy Mother of God, 9 a.m.

Info: rosemoncure@yahoo.com.

A pastoral installation service is coming up at Zion Branch Baptist Church in Saluda. The installation is for Bishop Dr. Carlton B. Johnson and is set for 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6. The Zion Branch service will be offered at Lebanon Baptist Church, 11821 Tidewater Trail, and includes dinner.

The Rev. Kevin Paige from Mount Nebo Church in Barhamsville will deliver the installation message and the performers include the Zion Branch Choir, Earl Cox and New Creations Quartet and Allen White Harmonic Selection and wife Malia White — violin selection. Shelia Burrell will also perform praise dances.

On Nov. 20, Urbanna United Methodist Church (UUMC) will again welcome the Grace Celtic Musicians for a Christmas concert. The concert is set for 4 p.m. in the UUMC sanctuary. Be sure to bring your friends and family.

UUMC is at 221 Marston Ave. (at Cross Street).

Info: karenleighbowman@gmail.com.

The Seventh-Day Adventist Church at 401 S. Main St. in Kilmarnock will sell fresh fruit, strawberry & chocolate cheesecakes, and several combo boxes through Pee Jay’s Fresh Fruit for December. Orders can be called in by Nov. 17 at the following numbers:

  • 804-435-1252
  • 804-577-4876
  • 804-435-1371
  • 562-652-0866

or order online. This site will only be taking orders until Nov. 20. Orders are to be picked up at the church from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 15. Profits have been used for building improvements and community service projects.