MES & SCW recently released its student supply lists for the coming school year.
Middlesex Elementary School
Each kindergartener needs:
- One plastic crayon box (8 5/8 inches by 5 3⁄4 inches by 2 1/5 inches).
- One pair of scissors (blunt tip).
- Two boxes of tissues.
- One set of ear buds/headphones.
- One water bottle (reusable).
- One container of disinfecting wipes.
- Four packs of Crayola crayons (24 pack).
- Four glue sticks.
- Two glue bottles.
- One change of clothes in a gallon Ziploc bag, labeled with student’s name.
- One pack of black medium tip dry erase markers (four pack).
- Snack baggies — If student’s last name begins with the letters A-F.
- Sandwich baggies — If student’s last name begins with the letters G-L.
- Quart baggies — If student’s last name begins with the letters M-R.
- Gallon baggies — If student’s last name begins with the letters S-Z.
Each first grade student needs:
- Two packs of Crayola crayons (24 pack).
- Two packs of sharpened No. 2 pencils.
- One plastic crayon box (8 5/8 inches by 5 3⁄4 inches by 2 1/5 inches).
- Twenty-four glue sticks.
- One pair of scissors.
- Two boxes of tissues.
- One set of ear buds/headphones.
- One water bottle (reusable).
- One container of disinfecting wipes.
- Four marble composition books.
- One plastic three-prong pocket folder.
- One box gallon Ziploc bags or one box sandwich Ziploc bags.
- One handheld pencil sharpener.
- One pack of black dry erase markers (four pack).
- One pack of black skinny expo markers.
- One set of watercolor paints (eight colors).
Each second grade student needs:
- Two packs of Crayola crayons (24 pack).
- Two packs of sharpened No. 2 pencils.
- One plastic crayon box (8 5/8 inches by 5 3⁄4 inches by 2 1/5 inches).
- Twenty-four glue sticks.
- One pair of scissors.
- Two boxes of tissues.
- One set of ear buds/headphones.
- One water bottle (reusable).
- One container of disinfecting wipes.
- Five composition notebooks.
- One handheld pencil sharpener.
- One pack of black dry erase markers (four pack).
- One pack of highlighters.
- One set of watercolor paints.
Each third grade student needs:
- Two packs of Crayola crayons (24 pack).
- Two packs of sharpened No. 2 pencils.
- One plastic crayon box (8 5/8 inches by 5 3⁄4 inches by 2 1/5 inches).
- Twenty-four glue sticks.
- One pair of scissors.
- Two boxes of tissues.
- One set of ear buds/headphones.
- One water bottle (reusable).
- One container of disinfecting wipes.
- Six composition notebooks.
- One pack of highlighters.
- One pack of black dry erase markers (four pack).
- One pack of Crayola thin markers or one pack of Crayola broad line markers.
- Two packs of cap erasers or big pink erasers.
- One box gallon Ziploc bags or one box quart Ziploc bags.
Each fourth grade student needs:
- Two packs of Crayola crayons (24 pack).
- Two packs of sharpened No. 2 pencils.
- One pencil pouch.
- Twelve glue sticks.
- One pair of scissors.
- Two boxes of tissues.
- One set of ear buds/headphones.
- One water bottle (reusable).
- One container of disinfecting wipes.
- One two-and-a-half inch binder with clear cover pocket.
- One eight-tab divider pack.
- One box of hole reinforcement labels.
- One three-pack of three-inch multi-colored Post-It Notes.
- One composition notebook.
- Three plastic three-prong folder.
- One pack of highlighters.
- One pack of cap erasers.
- Two packs of black dry erase markers (four pack).
- Two packs of wide-ruled paper.
- One 12-pack colored pencils.
- One box gallon Ziploc bags or one box snack Ziploc bags.
Each fifth grade student needs:
- Two packs of Crayola crayons (24 pack).
- Two packs of sharpened No. 2 pencils.
- One pencil pouch.
- Twelve glue sticks.
- One pair of scissors.
- Two boxes of tissues.
- One set of ear buds/headphones.
- One water bottle (reusable).
- One container of disinfecting wipes.
- Eight composition notebooks.
- Four pocket folders (blue, green, purple).
- One pocket folder with brads.
- One plastic pocket folder.
- One pack of highlighters.
- One pack of cap erasers.
- Two packs of Crayola colored pencils.
- Two packs of black dry erase markers (4 pack).
- Two packs of colored index cards.
- Two packs of wide-ruled paper.
- One box gallon Ziploc bags or one box quart Ziploc bags.
- Two pencil pouch for three-ring binder (no lock boxes).
St. Clare Walker Middle School
Each sixth grade student needs:
- Two 1-subject spiral notebooks.
- Notebook paper.
- Small binder to store notebook paper.
- Earbuds/headphones.
- Pencil pouch/box.
- Post-it notes.
- Thin markers.
- Scissors.
- Glue sticks.
- Pencils.
- Erasers.
- Colored pencils or crayons.
- Highlighters.
- Dry erase markers.
- Hand sanitizer.
Each seventh grade student needs:
- One three-inch binder.
- Dividers.
- Notebook paper.
- Graph paper.
- Pencils/pens.
- Highlighters.
- Glue sticks.
- Dry erase markers (skinny expo).
- Two packs of 50 index cards (spiral bound).
- One 24-pack colored pencils.
- One marble composition book.
Each eighth grade student needs:
- Earbuds/headphones.
- One-inch binder for Civics.
- One pocket folder for Civics.
- One-inch binder for Science.
- One composition notebook for Math.
- One-inch binder for English.
- Dividers (at least 10).
- Two spiral notebooks for English.
- Pencils.
- Colored pencils.
- Pack of glue sticks (keep two and turn the rest in to homeroom teacher).
- Highlighters (two different colors).
- Scissors.
- One pack of fine-point markers.
- One pack of expo markers.
- Two three-packs of index cards.