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Possible last Va. lawn bowling club meets regularly at rink in Hartfield

Sissy Hall, with clipboard, and Susan Berg watch as a bowl lands right up against the white ball called a jack. Points are gained for those who can get a bowl closest to the jack. Berg was attempting to use some body language to move the bowl a little further from the jack. (Photo by Larry Chowning)

by Larry Chowning –

The Williamsburg Lawn Bowling Club was founded in 1966 and was formerly based in Williamsburg until its home court was closed in 2016.

The club’s new official rink is at the Chesapeake Bay Croquet Club site in Hartfield and members come weekly from throughout the region to compete in the ancient game of lawn bowling.

Lawn bowling is a game in which a ball (known as a bowl) is rolled toward a smaller stationary ball, called a jack. The object is to roll one’s bowl so that it comes to rest nearer to the jack than those of an opponent.

Lawn bowling is also a game for all ages. Helen Robertson of Hartfield will be 93 years old in May and is a regular at the weekly bowling event. “I was always very active in sports,” said Robertson on Thursday, March 31, at the course. “I played field hockey, basketball and tennis in high school and my senior year in high school I was named the most athletic girl in my class.”

“No matter how old you are that competitive spirit is still there and I have a lot of fun being out here and competing,” she said.

Sven and Susan Berg drive the 40 mile one way weekly trip to practice and play in tournaments at the Hartfield facility. “We enjoy the trip over and appreciate that we have such a fine facility to play on,” said Sven.

For information on the Williamsburg Lawn Bowling Club, call Sissy Hall at 804-693-9335 or email her at sissyh@cox.net.

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Larry Chowning
Larry Chowninghttps://www.ssentinel.com
Larry is a reporter for the Southside Sentinel and author of several books centered around the people and places of the Chesapeake Bay.