64.1 F
Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Santa, please be good to these D’ville folks

If a letter to Santa were to be written, it would read something like this …

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all of the lovely gifts you brought last year. The colorful mask served me well since the “pandemic” seems to be going on and on. The suggestion to wear a mask when going around others makes sense, since even some of my friends have gotten the vaccine and later had breakthrough COVID-19.

While you are flying over, take a look at the light show Stephen Blue and his father Randy have put up for everyone’s enjoyment along General Puller Highway in Deltaville. It is quite spectacular and there is music to listen to if you have time to walk through.

Jackson Creek is also a lovely sight, although a little lower key. The homes are sending out messages of joy with their lights.

Deltaville is a very small village with emphasis on the water. There were boat cruises on Jackson Creek sponsored by the Deltaville Community Association (DCA). Captain Michael “Puddin” Glasco was generous with his time and boat, the Lucky Lady. Santa, please be generous to “Puddin” and Karen this year to show appreciation of the community.

Carter Hurd and Janie Allen volunteered with Theresa Linn in putting out luminarias. There were other volunteers that baked cookies and decorated the DCA building. They do not expect anything other than a thank you, but please Santa leave a little something special. You know who they are.

The Ruses, who own Deltaville Marina, opened their marina’s new floating docks as the departure site. It was decorated with red and white lights and the Grinch and his elves were there as well.

So, dear Santa, don’t forget the Ruses when you fly over. They don’t have a chimney, but just leave a few things on the deck of their boat. If you run out of hard candy for the stockings, the Deltaville Market has some. Hard candy is a childhood memory for so many people that live around Deltaville.

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