68 F
Wednesday, March 19, 2025



Rotary delivers Thanksgiving baskets

Members of the Middlesex Rotary Club Basket Brigade prepared and delivered Thanksgiving gift baskets this past weekend. The group includes, from left, Greg Grichtmeier, Ann de Peyster, President Steve Gahan, Clare Burrows, Gary Cook and Stan Coloff. Jerry Suyes Jr. also participated, but was unavailable for the photo.(Contributed)

Donations ensure MC needy families will have nice meals for Thanksgiving

Members of the Middlesex Rotary Club prepared and delivered Thanksgiving gift baskets this month to 24 Middlesex County families in need.

Rotary acknowledges and thanks Rotarian Jerry Suyes Jr. and his wife, Clara Burrow, who graciously donated $1,000 towards the Thanksgiving basket service project, and Cliff Williams and his staff at the Deltaville Market who provided all the food for the baskets at wholesale pricing.

The Middlesex Rotary Club continues to meet in a hybrid manner at the Pilot House Restaurant in Topping at 8 a.m. Tuesdays. Guests are always welcome. If you would like to learn more about the Rotary Club of Middlesex County or keep abreast of its activities, you can always connect with the Middlesex Rotary Club at www.middlesexrotary.org, or follow the club on Facebook at www.facebook.com/rotaryclubofmiddlesex.