The congregation of Philippi Christian Church in Deltaville celebrated a historic milestone on Sunday, Oct. 24. The observance was a service of worship filled with joy, reminiscence and a look to the future.
In 1871, 32 souls gathered and formed a body of worship that would become known as Philippi. An early structure that housed the church burned and the current structure was built on land that was donated. Later renovations and additions included the narthex and steeple, Sunday school rooms and the fellowship hall. The life of Philippi can more clearly be traced through the lives and ministry of the congregation in the Deltaville community. The church has stood as a symbol of faith and service for 150 years.
A sesquicentennial committee was formed in July of 2021 and they set about to organize a fitting tribute to those early pioneers of faith. The committee members were Ms. Shirley Tiller, Chair, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deagle, Mrs. Juanita Glascock, Mr. Michael Hurd (moderator of Philippi), Mrs. Marsha Norton, Mr. Mark Parsons (minister of music at Philippi), Mrs. Patsy Watson, Mrs. Becky Ferrell and Mr. Turk Crittenden.

The church folk and grounds committee worked tirelessly to have the facility at its best inside and out. Beautiful wreaths and flowers adorned the entrances. Guests were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deagle and Ms. Meghan George in period attire of the 1870s. Each guest was presented with a commemorative china ornament with a picture of the church. In the sanctuary, striking arrangements of autumn hued flowers were beneath the cross and on the flower stands in memory and honor of beloved family and friends.
A musical prelude of classical and sacred music was presented by Mr. Parsons and as on each Sunday, the bell tolled to welcome guests and signify the beginning of worship. Led by Moderator Michael Hurd, the service opened with prayer. Hymns for the occasion were period hymns all published prior to 1870 and most probably were tunes that have been sung throughout the life of the church. Of note was a historic treatment of “Amazing Grace” that was lined out with a call and response between the leader and the congregation. Mr. Parsons chose an anthem solo of “Find Us Faithful” by Steve Green. The song spoke to the lineage of faith and our roles as ministers who must leave those who follow after us clear signs of faithfulness.
A formal recognition of descendants of the original members and former ministers was made and each was presented with a Disciples of Christ lapel pin.
The Rev. Dr. David Brown, pastor of Philippi from 1967 to 1979, was guest speaker and led the assembled company in worship. His sermon was entitled, “Transitioning the Comma,” an affirmation of homecoming. All present noted the kind and generous spirit of this man of God and were grateful for his past and present leadership. The celebration of Holy Communion was observed, and the Rev. Dr. Brown was assisted by Elders George “Dellie” Kennard and Shirley Tiller.
Recognition of special guests was made. Mr. Floyd Ward was the eldest person present at 93 years of age. Miss Kinsey McKittrick was the youngest person present at 10 years of age. The Rev. Kathy Smith, minister at Philippi from 2000 to 2005, was the person having traveled the furthest distance for the celebration.
After the benediction and blessing, the guests and congregation adjourned to the fellowship hall, which was beautifully decorated with fall flowers and decor for a catered lunch.
God truly blessed the Philippi family with a beautiful anniversary homecoming.