33.5 F
Sunday, February 23, 2025


“Come, let us gather”

Mary Wakefield Buxton

by Mary Wakefield Buxton – 


The  worst are full of passionate intensity …” So said poet William Butler Yeats. When I read these words in the “Second Coming” I gasped. It was as if he wrote these words just for me.

It took a while but I eventually saw the speeding trains going in all directions across this great land — filled with people bursting with passion and zeal. I, being one that once sped by the towns and cities of America at breakneck speeds, so fast the buildings and fields became one big blur, like my vision, as I traveled on and on, sure that I was right.

Determined to open more opportunities for women, I didn’t care what damage may have come about in the process. I was a feminist and I knew what was best for society, come hell or high water.

But then I got off the train. I pulled the cord and the train came to a stop. I gathered with the people at the station for I finally realized I wanted opportunities for all Americans, not just women.

The problem in America today is too many people are speeding on runaway trains hell bent on getting what they want with no regard for the people at the station. Perhaps forgetting, whereas our republic honors majority rule as in a democracy, it also protects minority rights.

Whatever made us think we should get everything we want? What about what our neighbors want? Don’t they have a right to have some say? Or, is it just what we want that counts?

Can we compromise, be respectful and tolerant of other people’s needs? That means we have to give and not just take, let go of whatever “ism” we are addicted to: racism, feminism, sexism, ageism, socialism, capitalism, communism, evangelism, conservatism, liberalism, progressivism, atheism, agnosticism, etc… all the many “isms” hounding American society today.

Can pro-abortionists ever agree to some limits to abortion? Or pro-life groups allow safe and legal abortions up to some point in pregnancy?

Can those that want to tear down monuments learn tolerance and respect for U.S. history? And others that insist we preserve history erect markers that explain history rather than simply glorify it?

Can atheists tolerate evangelists and vice-versa? Those that say they hate the American flag learn respect for the symbol that represents freedom and sacrifice to others? Can those who want to rewrite the National Anthem allow those who love the “Star Bangled Banner” to continue to sing it?

Can socialists and communists, (the latter not known for compromise) tolerate our free enterprise system, which gives individuals freedom to start, own and operate their own business?

Can capitalists understand others may not have entrepreneurial skills and may need government to provide medical care, housing, food and even income?

Yes, the nation started with a strong work ethic: It was Captain John Smith that first set the rule in America: If you want to eat, you have to work. Yet, Nancy Pelosi has said recently in America we honor personal freedom and some people may choose not to work or be unable to work. Can each side respect the needs of the other and strike compromise?

There are also racing trains regarding sexual freedom. Regardless of personal or religious values, can our society tolerate individual freedom of consenting adults but with corresponding protection to minors? Can we accept transgenderism and unisex bathrooms, even for children?

Perhaps it boils down to whether we really do accept  the sacred words….“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are the right to life, liberty and… the pursuit of happiness.”

Can we become less partisan in our thinking and actions? The worst trains are the political trains. These trains have done great damage to this nation. President George Washington warned political parties would divide the nation which is now the case.

We all know “Yellow Dog Democrats” and “Die Hard Republicans”… people that march to party dogma, think according to the party’s talking points and defend their leader’s actions no matter what. Can we give up blind allegiance to political parties and politicians?

Can we maintain our individual values and convictions… yet come together as one American family through compromise from our sole desire to end this painful division? It will take each of us willing to compromise on divisive issues in order to unite but… isn’t the end goal of unity worth such sacrifice?

Why should a free and fabulous people ever get on any speeding train? If that’s where we are, isn’t it time to get off the train?

Come, let us gather at the station. For we, the people, hold the ultimate key to our nation’s recovery.

© 2021.