The Middlesex County Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a Prayer Breakfast for Our Community event. It is planned for 8 a.m. Thursday, June 10, at Virginia Street Cafe. The restaurant is at 201 Virginia St. in Urbanna. The public is invited to attend.
The ticketed event will feature a $12 per person buffet. Payment can be in cash or by check (made out to “Middlesex Kiwanis Prayer Breakfast” and mailed to Middlesex Kiwanis, P.O. Box 314, Urbanna, VA 23175).
The theme of the breakfast will be “Heroes in the Country” — a message from the heart of one.
For information, call Don Richwine at 804-814-2041 or email him at Alternately, call Joyce Allan at 804-824-3977 or email her at