by Larry Chowning –
The Middlesex High School (MHS) boys cross country team finished third as a team in the Region A Cross Country championship on Friday, April 16.
MHS junior Wyatt Evans paced the Chargers by placing seventh individually in the 5K (3.1-mile) race conducted on the Eastern State course in Williamsburg. Evans finished with a time of 21 minutes flat.
Mathews High School ran away with the team awards as the Blue Devils won the meet with 16 points taking first, second, third, fourth and sixth places. West Point was second as a team with 51 points and MHS was third with 67 points.
Blue Devil runners Cameron Stearns, Josh Rosadino, John Landon Green and Carson Brown were the top four runners. Stearns won the race in 18:23.
The Chargers second runner was sophomore Vicente Reyes, who finished 16th (22:13). Eric Graulich finished 16th (22:38); Brock Parrish, 22nd (23:01); Ryan Mahr, 24th (23:48); Elliott Austin, 25th (23:54); and Riley Dean, 28th (24:32).
The Chargers will finish off their season by running in the 1A Virginia Cross Country state meet on Friday, April 23, at Green Hill Park in Salem. The start time for the meet will be announced later.