by Larry Chowning –
The Middlesex High School Lady Chargers harriers finished their cross country season on Friday, April 16, in the Region A cross country championship race at Eastern State in Williamsburg.
The Lady Chargers’ top runner was Lakin Millen, who finished 20th (29:55). Kendall Lucas finished 22nd (30:30) and Katherine Ritter, 29th (37:20).
Lancaster Lady Red Devil Hailey Smith won the individual race with a 22:24 time. West Point was first as a team with 35 points. Mathews, second, 45 points, Lancaster, third, 63 points and Northampton, fourth, 91 points.
The top Region A runners and teams will run in the 1A Virginia Cross Country state meet on Friday, April 23, at Green Hill Park in Salem.