33.5 F
Sunday, February 23, 2025


Water authority chairman speaks to MC Kiwanians

Workers lower a section of water pipe into a trench along General Puller Highway in Locust Hill recently. Piles of the blue pipe sections are stacked for miles alongside the highway, following it as it makes its way from Cooks Corner to Deltaville. (Photo by Tom Chillemi)

At a recent Middlesex Kiwanis Club meeting, Middlesex Water Authority (MWA) Chairman Greg Chambers provided a positive update on the effort to establish a centralized water system for the county. According to Chambers, the MWA has purchased two existing wells that are located on the former Rosegill property just off of Urbanna Road.

Chambers, who is retired from the private sector, said that he has learned much about getting things accomplished in the government sector. Thanks to the leadership of Chambers, County Administrator Matt Walker, Assistant County Administrator Betty Muncy and County Attorney Heather Lewis, Chambers estimates that the county will have water flowing by mid-2022.

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