52 F
Friday, March 21, 2025



More advice sought on letting mayor vote

by Tom Chillemi – 

If the Urbanna Town Council’s attorney is right, Urbanna’s mayor does not have the right to vote as part of town council. This is due to Urbanna’s Charter and the town’s election structure, wrote town council’s attorney Andy Bury in a memo delivered to council Jan. 28. 

Since then, council has been debating the issue

Opinions sought

After hearing Goldsmith’s argument, council voted unanimously to seek two written legal opinions — one from the Virginia attorney general and another from a Virginia attorney versed in municipal law.

At odds

Mayor Hartley and attorney Bury have disagreed in the past during a period in which she served as a member of the council. Bury said at the Feb. 25 council meeting that Mayor Hartley had recently asked for his resignation. Bury is still town council’s attorney having survived a 3-3 vote by council to seek proposals for legal service on Feb. 25. Mayor Hartley did not vote and the motion failed.

The Urbanna Town Council is scheduled to meet online via Zoom today, Thursday, March 11, at 6:30 p.m.

Join the meeting via computer at https://zoom.us/j/93071230496?pwd=ai9KcTVoWE40ZmhvU1p4d2p6aFVmdz09. Meeting ID: 930 7123 0496. Passcode: 327609. To join by phone, dial:  +1 301-715-8592.

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