53.5 F
Sunday, March 23, 2025



Councilor Hollberg voices concerns over lack of audits

by Tom Chillemi – 

The Town of Urbanna books have not been audited for two years, Councilor Steve Hollberg informed the town council at its Jan. 28 meeting.

Steve Hollberg

Hollberg said accurate books are essential when applying for grants and loans for capital improvements. He also noted that there has been a change in the town administration with a new town administrator and a new zoning administrator starting work Feb. 8; and a new accounting system was implemented.

Hollberg’s motion to have the books audited for fiscal years 2019 and 2020 was approved unanimously.

Hollberg, who is a certified public accountant, said that when he served as mayor for four years he expected to have financial reports by the time council’s work sessions were conducted on the second week of the month. “We need to have regular financial reports,” Hollberg said.

Hollberg said that during the past two years when he was not on council he asked the town administrator to provide a financial report, “which I never got.”

Hollberg said he filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in the fall of 2020 and got reports that did not obtain useful information…

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