36.8 F
Saturday, February 22, 2025


Mud plentiful in Deltaville as snow and rain depart

Around Deltaville

by T.D. Harris – 

The annual snowstorm was a week early and didn’t last. We have mud to contend with now. With four dogs that is a lot of contending.

Often you will see older people just sitting and looking out the window. I used to wonder what they were thinking but now that I am one of them the answer is “nothing.” Just sitting. Like an awake rest. Maybe a bit of observing.

As the water pipes get closer, some thoughts occur as to the roads that will not be getting water because the residents voted against it. Taking a page from Virginia Beach years ago, the pipes were put in regardless and the hook ups could be hooked up at a later date but the pipes being there meant those that needed water got it and work was done at the cost of today with no going back. The water has nothing to do with taxes. The water will be metered and paid for by how much is used. It’s all about thinking ahead. Also learning from others’ experience.

“Obstacles are what you see when you take your eye off the goal,” said Vince Lombardi.

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