38.4 F
Tuesday, March 18, 2025



Volunteers at Hardyville church show love to folks in hard times

Dolores Decker of Deltaville, far left, holds her hands in the shape of a heart as she volunteers at a Hands Across Middlesex food giveaway event this month at Clarksbury United Methodist Church in Hardyville. Other volunteers in foreground include, continuing from left, Dawn and Ken Wilt of Hardyville. There will be another free food distribution event at Clarksbury UMC 9-11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 3. They are at the same time at Clarksbury the first Saturday of every month. There are additional food giveaways at Union Shiloh Baptist Church in Jamaica 9-11 a.m. the first Tuesday of the month and at Urbanna Baptist Church 9-11 a.m. the third Tuesday of the month. The Middlesex County church-based giveaways are particularly needed now as more folks than usual have fallen on hard times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To volunteer or for information, call 804-758-2044 or visit https://www.handsacrossmiddlesex.org. (Photo by Don Richeson)