by Tom Chillemi –
There are three ways to vote in the Nov. 3, 2020 General Election, said Melissa Welch, Middlesex County director of elections and general registrar. Voters can vote by mail with an absentee ballot, vote early in person at the Middlesex County Election’s Office or vote at their polling place on Election Day, said Welch. “I want every voter in Middlesex County to know the ways to vote and have the confidence that their vote will count no matter how they choose to cast their ballot.”
With the election eight weeks away, the number of those who are choosing to “vote by mail” is on track to eclipse those who voted absentee in 2016, and voter registrations are up, said Welch.
The Southside Sentinel recently submitted questions to Welch seeking to clarify voting options and the voter registration process. Below are the Sentinel’s questions and Welch’s responses.
Sentinel: When does vote by mail begin?
Welch: A voter who wishes to Vote by Mail may submit an application anytime in the year. We encourage these voters to request their ballot early. The first ballot packets will be sent out by September 18, 2020. In previous years, voters who were going to be out of town, were sick and many other reasons were the only voters eligible to vote absentee. New legislation effective July 2020, permits all Virginia voters to vote early by mail with no-excuse.
Sentinel: What are the deadlines to vote by mail?
Welch: Deadline to request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you is Friday, Oct. 23, 2020. The Vote by Mail application must be received at the election’s office by 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 23.
There will be instructions included in the ballot packet on how to return their marked ballot. A completed voting ballot must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 3, or postmarked by Election Day and received by noon on Friday, November 6, in order to be counted.
Sentinel: How can people vote early in person?
Welch: Beginning Sept. 18, 2020 voters may visit the Middlesex County Election’s Office at 105 Bowden St. in Saluda during normal business hours to vote early. You do not have to have a reason to fill out an application to vote early.
Voters must provide their name and address and show an acceptable form of identification.
Ballots will be issued through a special window on the front porch of the election’s office. This will limit the contact between election officials and voters.
Accessible equipment and/or curbside voting are available upon request of the voter. We are also open the two Saturdays prior to the election from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. with Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020 being the last day to vote early.
Sentinel: What is the deadline to register and what is the process?
Welch: The deadline to register to vote, or update an existing registration, is Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020.
You can register to vote online at elections.virginia.gov or fill out a paper application found at the Middlesex elections office, post offices, social services offices, the Town of Urbanna office, armed forces recruitment offices, public libraries, Virginia Department of Election’s offices and Department of Motor Vehicles offices.
Sentinel: Are more people registering than usual?
Welch: Yes, we are up 199 registered voters from our last general election held in November 2019.
Sentinel: How many registered voters are there in Middlesex?
Welch: There are 8,091 active registered voters in Middlesex County as of Aug. 28, 2020.
Sentinel: What was the voter turnout in the past presidential elections for 2012 and 2016?
Welch: In November 2012 Middlesex had a 78% registered voter turnout. In November 2016 we had a 77% registered voter turnout.
Sentinel: What is the expected voter turnout for 2020?
Welch: We are preparing for an extremely high turnout overall. The early voter turnout for November 2020 is expected to be record setting for Middlesex County. Absentee Vote by Mail numbers have already far exceeded past presidential elections. Total absentee voters for the November 2016 election was 627, with only 298 issued by mail.
As of Aug. 28, 2020, 532 vote by mail ballot applications have been received for the November 2020 General Election. We still have weeks until the ballots are even ready.
Sentinel: Are there special procedures for COVID-19 for voting in person?
Welch: We are providing window service for our voters who wish to vote in person to limit close contact. This area is regularly cleaned, and PPE is used by all staff.
All officers of election at each polling place on Election Day will be following the social distancing and CDC guidelines for safe voting.
Voters will be given one time use pens and security sleeves they should take with them after voting.
Voters are encouraged to wear masks and use the hand sanitizer upon entering polling places.
Sentinel: Will Middlesex have voting drop boxes as one sees in Gloucester and elsewhere?
Welch: Under current law, drop boxes are not permitted. There is legislation pending in the Virginia General Assembly special session to allow their use in the November 2020 election. The Governor has not signed any legislation allowing the drop boxes. We will comply with any new laws passed.
Voters can always drop their own ballot off at the Election’s Office in Saluda, if they choose to not mail it back.
Sentinel: Do you need citizens to help at the polls on Election Day?
Welch: Yes! It’s a great way to lend a hand for democracy and serve your fellow voters of Middlesex County. Applications to serve as an officer of election can be found on the Middlesex County’s election website https://www.co.middlesex.va.us/index_Registrar_Middlesex.html or by emailing govote119@co.middlesex.va.us to request one. Call 804-758-4420 for information.