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Wednesday, March 19, 2025



New school year begins Monday for students in Middlesex County

There is no doubt that the start of this school year is going to look different for all students. “Virtual” learning allows schools to safely start the school year, but St. Clare Walker Middle School Technology Education Teacher Matthew Short thinks not all learning needs to be virtual. With the students’ love for hands-on activities in mind, the teacher has set out to design his virtual classes to be as similar as possible to the classes he taught in previous school years. SCW Technology Education students will continue to get the opportunity to design and build actual hands-on projects — such as model rockets — at home while they are away from school learning virtually. All first trimester technology education students were able to pick up their project kit bag when they attended SCW open house. Any students unable to collect their project kit bag at open house should email Teacher Short at mshort@mcps.k12.va.us or call 804-758-2561. (Photo courtesy Middlesex County Public Schools)

by Larry Chowning – 

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Middlesex County Public Schools (MCPS) will open the 2020-2021 school year this Monday, Aug. 31, under a (state) phase one plan using “virtual” instruction for at least the first six weeks.

How to start the 2020-2021 school year has been a challenge for the school board as school officials spent much of the summer developing a hybrid style startup plan — a staggered four-day-week with two days face-to-face in-school instruction, two days of virtual instruction and Wednesdays with no instruction and used as a teacher workday and a school-wide cleaning day.

School board members voted in July to open schools using the (state) phase two plan that allows a hybrid start. However, VDH metrics in August showed Middlesex County’s coronavirus case rate at a “substantial” level…

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