Now available at Deltaville, Urbanna libraries
by Carrie Dos Santos –
The Middlesex County Public Library system’s children’s Summer Reading Program this year is entitled “Imagine Your Story.” Through Aug. 3, the library system will present story times, crafts, and virtual recordings focused on fairy tales, folklore and legends from around the world. It also has several new children’s books that take well-known tales and give them a twist. All of the books listed below are available now or will arrive soon at the system’s Deltaville and Urbanna branches.
It is hoped that these books inspire children to continue reading through the summer months. Children can read these books and any other books for the Middlesex County Public Library’s Summer Reading contests. The top three winners in each age group up to rising fifth graders will receive a T-shirt and hardcover book. All other participants will receive their own paperback book at the end of the program and other small goodies. The reading contest prizes for rising sixth graders through rising eighth graders will consist of Amazon gift cards for first, second, and third place, and a free book for all participants. All reading logs will need to be turned in by Aug. 3. Winners will be notified starting Aug. 4.
For information, visit the systems’s website (www.yourmiddlesexlibrary.org) or its Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/middlesexcountypubliclibrary/), or call 804-758-5717 or 804-776-7362.
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