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Middlesex may require wearing masks in public; board to decide Wednesday

by Larry Chowning – 

At a special called meeting set for 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 29, the Middlesex County Board of Supervisors is expected to consider adoption of a countywide “Covering of Nose and Mouth” ordinance. Participation in the meeting will be via the “Zoom” computer “app,” since supervisors now generally meet using electronic methods, rather than an actual face-to-face meeting, due to COVID-19 concerns.

The lengthy drafted proposed ordinance states, “In order to protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID-19 . . .  all persons are hereby required to wear some form of covering over their nose and mouth (such as a scarf, bandana, handkerchief, or homemade mask from cloth or similar material) at all times when in a public setting,” it states.

However, various exemptions would likely be allowed — for example for those who have trouble breathing or for children younger than 2.     

If approved, the ordinance shall be enforced by the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office. The penalties would range from fines to even jail time for certain repeat offenders.

If approved, the emergency ordinance is effective immediately and will remain in effect for 60 days unless rescinded by the board of supervisors.

Check back at www.SSentinel.com later for more on this developing story.

Discussion of COVID-19 Pandemic and update by Dr. Richard Williams and Consideration of an Ordinance Implementing Emergency Regulations to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in Middlesex County.

Wed Apr. 29, 2020 6pm – 8pm (EDT)

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