This is a sign of the times — social distancing, Internet sermons and drive-in church worship services. “We usually have beach service throughout the summer months from Memorial Day to Labor Day,” said Dr. John Snow, pastor of Zoar Baptist Church in Deltaville. “We started early so we can offer a safe gathering of worshipers to the community.” Each vehicle is directed to a place to park and everyone remains in his or her car. All attendees tune to radio station 101.1 FM and listen to the service. No one is allowed to get out of his or her car.
Each Sunday, from now until quarantine is lifted, there will be a worship service as weather permits. Zoar has a phone service that will call you when it is cancelled. To get on the list, call Zoar 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday through Thursday at 804-776-9502. You can also send an email to zoarbaptistchurch@va.metrocast.net. You can learn more about the church from the website at www.zoarbaptistchurch.org and the Facebook page “Zoar Baptist Church, Deltaville, VA.” In addition to drive-in services, Zoar offers a Sunday school class on Facebook 10-10:30 a.m. each Sunday and a sermon 10:35-11:15 a.m.
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