49.8 F
Saturday, March 15, 2025



‘Share the Love Concert’ to feature several area performers

In response to the devastating loss by fire of 133-year-old Saint Paul’s Baptist Church in Jamaica, Christ Church Parish (Episcopal) at Christchurch is coordinating a musical benefit “Share the Love Concert” to assist in its restoration efforts. The concert will be held Saturday, February 15, in the auditorium of St. Clare Walker Middle School in Locust Hill from 3-5 p.m.

The initial response from Middlesex County residents and the business community has been overwhelmingly positive. Contributing to the fundraising effort will be several popular local musicians including Clayton Neal, Beth Justice and Morgan Stewart, George Robinson, Paige and Randy Melton, and Gary Archer. “The donation of their diverse musical talents is greatly appreciated,” said an event spokesperson.

Plan to attend and invite your family and friends to join you at the “Share the Love” concert on February 15 at 3 p.m. The concert is free. A “love offering” will be collected at the door and all proceeds will go to benefit Saint Paul’s Baptist Church.

If you cannot attend and would like to make an offering, please send a check payable to Christ Church Parish with the notation  “Saint Paul’s Love Offering” to Christ Church Parish, P.O. Box 476, Saluda, VA 23149.

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