30.3 F
Sunday, March 9, 2025



YMCA Youth Basketball registration is under way

Middlesex YMCA Youth Super Sport Co-ed Basketball open enrollment has started. The season will start mid-January with games in the YMCA facility and also against other surrounding Y branches. The season runs from January 14 through February 29. Age brackets are 6-8, 9-11, 12-15.  

This coed basketball league focuses on the philosophy that “Everyone Plays, Everyone Wins.” Your child learns how to work in a team atmosphere as well as the basic skills of basketball: shooting, passing, dribbling, offensive and defensive techniques, through practice and games. Youth Super Sports coaches build on and revisit the basic skills and rules. Some advanced concepts taught at this level are dribbling under pressure, stealing the ball, shooting from various positions, receiving and passing quickly and accurately. Good sportsmanship and character development are emphasized. Fitness concepts include fitness for the heart, lungs, and muscles, as well as flexibility and healthy eating.

YMCA Adult Basketball will start in February. Adult basketball is broken into two leagues based on pace and skill level. The “A” league is fast paced with highly competitive teams that feed their need for competition through the YMCA character values. The “B” league is a slower paced, more fun-oriented league. Each league has its own rules and own style of play. Registration is now open for individuals and full teams. Find out where you fit in with the Middlesex Family YMCA Adult Basketball program.