45.1 F
Saturday, March 15, 2025



2019 Urbanna Harbour House Tour

Michelle Brown (left) provides Urbanna Harbour House Tour visitors last Saturday with a history of the Reynolds cottage, known as “Little Dipper.” The cottage is located on the “Point” at the mouth of Urbanna Creek. It is the last cottage standing from among a half-dozen small summer cottages that were once located on the Point. Over the years hurricanes and high waters threatened and destroyed some of the original cottages. Today, new modern homes, built to sustain hurricane winds and seas, have replaced the old cottages on the Point. Two of those homes, the Lowe and Foley homes, were also on the tour. The beautiful day along with amazingly decorated homes made it a total success for those visiting and those who participated in preparing the homes and organizing the tour for the Urbanna Beautification Committee. (Photo by Larry Chowning)