62.3 F
Sunday, March 16, 2025



Student video contest planned

In support of C-SPAN’s national “StudentCam” initiative, Atlantic Broadband, the nation’s eighth-largest cable operator, is inviting middle school and high school students in its service areas to create and submit video documentaries on the theme, “What’s Your Vision in 2020?”

The documentary competition, now in its 16th year, is asking students to create a five-to-six-minute documentary exploring the issues they most want presidential candidates to address during the 2020 campaign. Videos must include clips of supporting C-SPAN video that relate to the chosen topic.

The competition is open to all students in grades 6 through 12. Grades 6 through 8 will compete in the middle school category, and grades 9 through 12 will compete in the high school category.

Each year, the C-SPAN Education Foundation awards 150 student and 53 teacher prizes, totaling $100,000 in cash. All student winners will receive cash prizes ranging from $250 to $5,000, and teachers who are listed as faculty advisors will have a chance to win cash prizes.

Students may upload their documentary and submit their entry form online to www.studentcam.org.