45.1 F
Saturday, March 15, 2025



Christmas show is Saturday at Virginia’s Li’l Ole Opry

Children in Smith Family and Friends Christmas Show this Saturday will include, front from left, Baylor Walton and Blake Love; middle row, Adam Greve, Hayden and Hunter Owens, Colten and Austin Sadler, Hailey Love, Kate Small and Addison Lowe; back row, Melody Smith, Andrew Greve, Joice and Soles Small, Chelsea Lowe and Harmony Smith.

Virginia’s Li’l Ole Opry will present its annual Smith Family and Friends Christmas Show on Saturday, December 7, in the Mathews High School Harry M. Ward Auditorium.  Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m.

Join the Smith Family and all their musical friends for a wonderful start to your holiday season. The house band, “Shades of Country,” along with all of the Opry singers will offer some wonderful country and traditional Christmas selections in the first half of the show.

After a brief intermission, the stage will transform into Army Camp Browning where the soldiers are melancholy and missing their families this Christmas, but visitors from far away show up to help cheer them up with a message of Christmas for all to enjoy.  Children ranging in age from 4 to 15 will sing familiar Christmas tunes such as Frosty the Snowman and Here Comes Santa Claus.

As always, the show will end with the reading of the Christmas story from the Bible and the family singing Christmas hymns, such as O Holy Night, Away in a Manger and Hallelujah, He is Born.

Tickets are $12 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Mathews Visitor Center and Beach Bum BBQ in Mathews, and Marketplace Antiques on Route 17 in Hayes. Tickets are also available at the door on show night.

“We would like to send a big thanks to the Mathews/Gloucester and surrounding community and all who have supported our shows throughout the year, especially the Mathews County School System and Board. We truly appreciate you,” said Opry president Lynda Smith.