Deltaville Ballpark has found its way to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown!
New Jersey sportswriter Bruce Johnson’s “Covered Wooden Grandstands,” a collection of more than 100 years of semi-pro baseball history—including a section on Deltaville Ballpark—was added to the collection at Cooperstown in 2014. The book was previously only available in small bookstores throughout the northeast. However, at the request of Deltaville Ballpark, a special printing of 50 copies was produced this fall for sale in Deltaville.
The 363-page book is divided into numerous easy-to-read stories. The project of building the book began with a focus on New Jersey semi-pro baseball history, but expanded to include stories about amateur baseball across seven states and over 100 years of baseball history.
The cost of the book is $25. Orders can be placed by emailing DCA Ballpark Committee Chair Randy Blue at randy@srblue.net. Orders can be picked up at Mason Realty in Deltaville, or shipped for cost ($5) via USPS. Other pickup arrangements can be made as well.