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Tuesday, March 4, 2025


$10,000 challenge match is met

by Mary Lib Hoinkes
MCPL Board Advancement Committee Chair – 

Thanks to the wonderful support of the lovers of the Middlesex Public Library and the community in which we are so fortunate to live, the matching donor challenge that was offered to the library will now be received! In fact, the goal of $10,000 was a bit surpassed. There were moments when this seemed unlikely, but in the long run the $10,000 was raised by September 30, and the $20,000 pot of gold is now the library’s. Thanks so much to everyone who helped make this challenge a reality and, of course, to the very special friends who came up with the promise of the matching donation in the first place.

Our library is indeed special, and from the contributions we have received, it is evident that this sentiment is shared throughout the community. By the way, the library is also a bargain basement. Well, not a literal basement (at least not like mine), but rather an attractive place for bargains. From periodicals that one would like to read but for which one does not wish to pay big subscription prices, to a number of brand new donated books that have never been read and that would make lovely presents, to the many volumes for practically nothing that are available in the back sales room of the Deltaville Branch, there are great reads for all ages and interests. From gardening, to cooking, to politics, to history, to “how to’s” for most anything from quilting to calligraphy, there is just about something for all ages.

Congratulations are in order to all who made the matching grant attainable, and the book sale such a success. The Middlesex Library is on a roll.

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