by Stan Coloff,
President, Friends of the Deltaville Library
Thanks to all the Friends of the Deltaville Library Board, members and family members who helped put on the best book sale in a long, long time. One hundred bags of books went out the door over the two-day sale and several patrons made generous donations. Patrons were not allowed to leave unless the bag was completely full—assistance to take bags to their cars was needed in several cases. Board members and several spouses, Friends members and volunteers worked hard Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday setting and categorizing a thousand or more books. On Friday patrons arrived promptly at 10 a.m. and a steady flow of book shoppers continued throughout the day and Saturday. We greatly appreciate their interest and support for our library.
And, thanks for all who helped with the “take-down” task on Sunday where many hundreds of books were removed from the overflowing shelves in the Used Book Room, quickly boxed and loaded onto a trailer and on their way to their new home up the county. More recent books from the book sale restocked the Used Book Room shelves, providing a fresh collection of books.
Five Boy Scouts from Scout Troop 341 and Scout leaders Sara Gretz and Bill Goettle helped with the take-down task. They lugged books and boxes along with board members Nancy Quinn, Elizabeth Coughter and Melissa McKimm, spouses Johnson Kennedy, Jeff Coughter and Chyrel Coloff, Friends members Brenda Coffman and Mary Johnson, and Dawn Street and Lou Argow. Ice cream bars were the reward for their hard work—what a bargain.
My special thanks to Dale Gibson, an exemplary Middlesex resident who has taken the excess books to the community library he has established in Jamaica, which helps serve the upper areas of our county.