by Mary Wakefield Buxton –
Urbanna, Va.— How disappointing it was to hear the news that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, under continued pressure from House Democrats, has decided to open an inquiry into the possible impeachment of Donald Trump. If only they can find evidence of treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors.
Will this continual trying to oust President Trump never end? We, the people, have had three years of it. Please stop the unending political fighting and, all of you, including Republicans, get down to work the last 12 or so months left of Trump’s four-year term to solve the nation’s problems.
We get it, House Democrats. You don’t like President Trump. So big deal. Who likes presidents anymore? They have all become much too partisan and I have grown so disgusted with political parties and their nonstop skullduggery and dirty tricks that I no longer want anything to do with them.
I think most Americans fit into this category. What we want is a stop to corruption and return to peace and congeniality in the nation’s capital. We want a return to yesterday’s “loyal opposition” when your party loses an election.
That’s how it once was. Members in both parties were ladies and gentlemen and friends, and even though they disagreed occasionally on issues, they still worked together. Here’s a revolutionary thought— sometimes they even compromised.
Democrats who could not stomach Trump have spent the last three years trying their best to unseat the man and spent millions to do it. We have heard in the media over and over again they don’t like or trust the man. Yet, his term is almost over. Can’t you tolerate Trump until the next election?
Why don’t you investigate your own corruption? Republicans have been telling the electorate for the same amount of time the evil things your party did to stop Trump before and even after his election. And if you don’t like Trump’s telephone call to the Ukraine president, why not investigate the tape of then Vice President Joe Biden’s unbelievable braggadocio over how he threatened Ukrainians if they didn’t fire a prosecutor looking into his son Hunter’s monthly payments from a Ukrainian corporation he would stop millions in U.S. aid.
Please, politicians and political operatives everywhere. We’re exhausted with the never ending mania. For the sake of the electorate, give it a rest. You don’t like each other. That’s apparent. But Democrats certainly don’t want disgruntled Republicans to treat their candidate, should he or she win, like they have treated Trump. Can’t you see the dangerous precedent? That, what goes around, comes around?
Unfortunately, most Americans don’t see any angels these days in either political party. We seem to be experiencing an extremely uncivil and corrupt time in American politics.
What ever happened to putting the country before a party’s thirst for power? Defeating candidates at the ballot box is how to win office—not by a multitude of nefarious plots, one right after the other, even partisan eaves-dropping on presidential telephone calls to heads of states and then “leaking” to media in order to bring down an existing president.
Trump, who must be the most “leaked on” president ever, has had some successes in spite of his constant bad press. He has invigorated American small business that was just hanging on through the Obama years, and set employment records. He, with the help of Mexico, is securing the southern border and even challenging China after so many years of that country taking advantage of American generosity through oneway trade deal advantages.
Give the man some credit. He wasn’t my choice, but he is president. He has said no other president could have survived the stress and pressures the opposition party landed upon him over the last three years. I agree. The man may be personality challenged, but he is one tough cookie. I don’t know how he has endured it. Must be that New York DNA at work.
Democrats, give the nation a decent candidate to run for president, one that is corrupt-free, which is what we all desire, then wage a fair fight and beat Trump at the polls, if you can.
In the meantime, Republicans too, cut out the eternal probes, inquiries and investigations from the past and get down to what we elected you to do.
Sigh. Like many Americans, I’m sadder but wiser. I’ll look fairly at the candidates who win nominations, listen carefully to what they have to say, size them up the best I can, and vote for the one that I dislike the least.
That’s the best I can offer in this sad era of American democracy. Lust for political power, unwillingness to accept defeat, constant partisan leaking of confidential materials, insults flying back and forth between executive and legislative branches of government . . . have definitely spoiled the show. ©2019